Colin & Anna's Wedding

August 16, 1999

at Comlongon Castle,

Clarencefield, Dumfriesshire, Scotland


Click on a thumbnail to view a full size image

 Colin and Guy

Colin and Guy





 Bridesmaids and Tom

Tom, Anna and the Bridesmaids

 Anna and Tom

Tom and Anna

 Bridesmaids, Tom and Anna on the Carriage

Tom, Anna and the Bridesmaids on the Carriage

 Exchanging Rings

Colin and Anna Exchange Rings

 Signing the Schedule

Anna and Colin sign the Marrige Schedule

 Guy, Kristina, Anna and Colin

Guy, Anna, Colin and Kristina

 Colin, Anna and the Minister

The Minister, Anna and Colin

 Colin, Anna and the Piper

The Piper, Colin and Anna

 Colin and Anna in the Carriage

Anna and Colin on the Carriage

 The Guests

All of the Guests

 Bridal Party and Tom

The Bridal Party, Tom and Colin

 Tom, Judy, Colin and Anna

Anna, Colin, Judy and Tom

 David, Anne, Anna and Colin

Anna, Colin, Anne and David

 Carol, Gary, Anna and Colin

Anna, Colin, Carol and Gary

 All the Kilts

All the Kilts

 Colin and Anna at the Anvil

Anna and Colin at the Anvil

 Colin and Anna in the Garden

Colin and Anna in the Garden

 Closeup of Anna and Colin

A Closeup of Anna and Colin

 Colin and Anna in front of Comlongon Castle
Colin and Anna in front of the Castle

 Anna and Colin in the Great Hall

Anna and Colin in the Great Hall of the Castle

 Colin and Anna

Anna and Colin in front of the Fireplace

 Colin and Anna in an Alcove of the Great Hall

Colin and Anna in an Alcove in the Great Hall

 Anna and Colin Kiss

Colin and Anna Kiss

 Anna outside the Castle

Anna outside the Castle

 Colin and Anna Outside the Castle

Anna and Colin outside the Castle

 Colin and Anna on the Stairs

Anna and Colin on the Stairs outside the Castle

 Anna and Colin cut the Cake

Anna and Colin cut the Cake